First Tcore_inc Airdrop #1
Tcore syndicates real estate data into a globally accessible marketplace, where data is locally sourced, validated and secured via the Ethereum blockchain, smart contracts and cryptoeconomics.
Token Name: Tcore
Total supply: 3,000,000 Tcore
Token Sale Round One (current):
* 1,500,000 Tcore
* 500,000 pre-sale (ON GOING )
* 100,000 bounties
PreICO Price 0.1 ETH = 2,000 Tcore
Price 0.1 ETH = 1000
Platform Ethereum
Funds accepted: Ethereum only
Recommended Wallet: MyEtherWallet, Mist, MetaMask (or ERC20 wallet)
Wallets used in cryptocurrency exchanges are not allowed. The participants’ Ethereum will be kept safe until all procedures are completed.
The ( Tcore ) Airdrop Requirement:
-Open to the first 1000 participants
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Token Name: Tcore
Total supply: 3,000,000 Tcore
Token Sale Round One (current):
* 1,500,000 Tcore
* 500,000 pre-sale (ON GOING )
* 100,000 bounties
PreICO Price 0.1 ETH = 2,000 Tcore
Price 0.1 ETH = 1000
Platform Ethereum
Funds accepted: Ethereum only
Recommended Wallet: MyEtherWallet, Mist, MetaMask (or ERC20 wallet)
Wallets used in cryptocurrency exchanges are not allowed. The participants’ Ethereum will be kept safe until all procedures are completed.
The ( Tcore ) Airdrop Requirement:
-Open to the first 1000 participants
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